What is a curated profile?
Curated profiles are created by our in-house teams of analysts (”human-in-the-loop”). These profiles consist of verified and in-depth data on companies.
What is a GenAI profile?
GenAI profiles are created by our proprietary AI models, which combine information from online sources and our existing database of curated analyses. You can easily identify GenAI profiles using the yellow tag next to the company name:
For which companies do you have curated profiles?
We aim to provide an in-depth analysis for every sizeable independent business. This includes all businesses that are not a subsidiary of a larger group and meet one of the following size criteria:
- $50m in revenue
- $5m in EBITDA
- 250 FTEs
- $10m in venture capital funding
In case the company of our interest meets these criteria in our core regions, but does not have a curated profile on Gain.pro, you can submit a request to our team.
For which companies do you have GenAI profiles?
We have GenAI profiles for:
- European and North American businesses with >10 FTEs
- Businesses in other regions with >50 FTEs
Which sources are your GenAI profiles based on?
To create a profile, our algorithm processes the information from the company website and LinkedIn page. It also uses our existing library of tags for company categorisation. In addition to that, it searches the associated legal entity in our database, linking financials from national registries where available.
For GenAI profiles with no financials figures available, our algorithm shows a revenue estimate based on:
- Latest number of employees
- Revenue/FTE ratio based on the business activity, growth rate and founding year, among other factors
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