Investors and the funds they manage are a integral part of the M&A ecosystem tracked in We track thousands of investors globally and enable you to search and filter both on investor characteristics as well as the characteristics of the investments and portfolio companies they make.
Individual investors and funds
You can search for a given investor directly from the search bar (in the same way as you might for a company) based on the investor name.
You can also identify investors from a company page, either on the summary page, or by navigating from the ownership page.
For funds, if you navigate to the funds page you can use the “Fund Name” filter to navigate to specific individual funds.
Discovering and filtering investors and funds
For both funds and investors you can sort and apply filters across a range of criteria.
For investors, you can filter on a number of criteria based on their own characteristics (e.g. HQ, fundraising, FTEs) as well as on their investment focus (e.g. regional / sector focus, typical EBITDA range and M&A activity).
For funds, you can filter individual fund names and vintage dates, as well as setting thresholds for the fund size and performance metrics (where available).
Investor filters
For investors, the major categories of filters include:
- Investor characteristics: As per companies, you can search for specific investors by name, country or specific keywords associated with them, as well based on their own FTE counts
- Number of companies: Filter based on the total volume of investments made
- Fundraising (L5Y): Set thresholds for total fundraising value over the previous 5 years
- Funds: Dive into fund size estimates, including for flagship and live funds as well as a dry powder estimate
Portfolio: Filter on portfolio company characteristics, including the EBITDA range and median EBITDA as a proxy for size, as well on specific keywords and regional / sectoral investment focuses
- Assessment and ESG: You can also apply our curated assessment insights and scoring as a filter to investor portfolios, allowing you to filter across 10 investment-linked criteria as well as on the level of ESG risk
- Deals: Get insights into the level of activity of a given investor; track total deal volume over the last 5 year, or get deeper by splitting this into entry, exit and add-on activity
- Advisors: Filter investors based on the advisors that they most frequently interact with
Fund filters
For funds, the major categories of filters include:
- Fund name and size: Let you filter for specific funds or based on the total fund value (where known)
- Vintage date: Filter based on the fund date, or review funds raised within the last X years
- Fund performance: Filter based on a number of performance metrics, including IRR, TWR, MOIC, DPI and more (where known)
What's next?
What's in an Investor profile?
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