Advisors act as the connective tissue between companies and investors. They support with sourcing, banking, consulting, contracting and more - and you can understand their areas of expertise and interactions with other ecosystem participants in
Individual advisors
You can search for a given advisor directly from the search bar (in the same way as you might for a company) based on the advisor name.
Note - you may for some advisors see both an “Advisor” and a “Company” profile available for them. The advisor profile tracks their M&A activity (e.g. deals advised on, clients, areas and regions of focus), whereas the company profile is based on our standard company assessment and insights.
Discovering and filtering advisors
Advisors are generally filterable on similar criteria to investors, reflecting their role in supporting on the same deals in some capacity.
You can filter criteria based on their own characteristics (e.g. HQ, advisory activity, FTEs) as well as on their investment focus (e.g. regional / sector focus, number of deals and deal EBITDA range).
Advisor filters
For advisors, the major categories of filters include:
- Advisor characteristics: As per companies, you can search for specific advisors by name, HQ country or specific tag keywords associated with them, as well based on their own FTE counts
Advisory activity: You can also filter based on their area of focus, which covers M&A, Lawyers, Due Diligence providers, Consultants and more
- For multi-service providers, you can also define their “core focus”, which is generally determined by their [primary service line]
- Total deals: Set thresholds for total deals advised on, or split this by buy- or sell-side depending on your focus
- Deal characteristics: Filter on deal characteristics, including the EBITDA range and regional / sectoral investment focuses
- Investors: Filter advisors based on the investors that they most frequently collaborate with
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