M&A is a key strategic lever for almost all companies, and one that we know is important to operators, investors and advisors alike. With our insight into live and historic deals you can make sure that you stay up-to-date with what’s happening in the market, as well as being able to track historical platform and add-on activity (plus the relevant valuation multiples).
Deals linked to an individual company, investor and advisors
For any company, navigate to their ownership page to track platform deal history (e.g. investments in the business itself) as well as that add-on and divestment activity associated with that company.
If you’re interested in deal activity linked to a specific investors portfolio, you can navigate to the “Entries”, “Exits” and “Add-on” tabs to view all deals linked to each class of investment.
Similarly for an advisor, just head to the individual advisor page and click on “Deals” to land on a list of all deals with that advisor named as a deal participant.
Searching and filtering on Deals
You can filter down the Deals list view from a range of filters focused on the deal metrics, the target, the investors and the advisors. The default criteria include:
- Target details: you can filter on Target name, region and sector
- Deal details: set the type of activity (e.g. platform, divestiture, VC) and date range of interest
- Tags: similar to other areas of the platform, you can apply tag keywords to narrow your search
You can also combine these with the more advanced filters on:
- Deal metrics: Zoom into funding stage, cash raised and valuation metrics and multiples
- Target stats: Set financial criteria (such as EBITDA, EBIT, Assets and FTEs)
- Investors & advisors: select specific deal participants to narrow your search
- Status: view aborted and live/rumoured deals in Gain.pro
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