Our mission and platform at a glance!
Gain.pro is the private market intelligence platform - we offer unparalleled insights into private companies as well as the investors, advisors and deals that make up the private market ecosystem.
Historically, visibility was limited into private companies; fragmented reporting requirements and the difficulty of tracking so many companies over time meant there was no consistent, insightful analysis available as there is in the public markets.
Gain.pro has revolutionised the transparency of this market for executives and investors, by covering the world’s companies through combining AI and human-insight at scale.
We track all of the world’s companies, with investor-focused profiles for every company globally over 10 FTEs, with unrivalled depth into sizeable private companies built on over 10 hours of local-for-local research per company.
We trace all of these through to the:
- Tens of thousands of investors, their portfolios, fundraising and M&A activity
- Individual deal alerts for rumoured and known activity as and when it breaks
- Hundreds of industries in which they operate, with handwritten market analyses & over 100 hours of research
- Thousands of advisors that help make deals happen and support companies
- Conferences that companies, suppliers and buyers exhibit and meet at in person
By using Gain.pro, our customers access significantly more insight and analysis with massive time (and cost) savings, helping them to generate more opportunities, build insights with credibility and reduce their time-to-action!
What’s included in the Gain.pro platform?
Companies include detailed profiles with over 10h of research depth that allow you to skip the first day of work by leveraging our manually curated information on financials, business model, market positioning, ownership and more. Through our human-in-the-loop review process, our proprietary large language model and our flexible data structure and tagging, we connect disparate pieces of information relating to a company into clean, investor-ready profile.
Getting started with Companies
Our analysts profile hundreds of markets on topics ranging from AgriTech and water purification systems to veterinary services and commercial construction. Each report is built up with over a hundred hours of research, presented to you in an easily digestible format that lets you quickly familiarise yourself with market segments, review handwritten driver analysis and dive deep into individual companies that make up a market.
We trace through companies to owners and Investors, with the Gain.pro platform covering all Private Equity sponsors and their portfolio companies. We take the hassle out of both discovering investors as well as staying on top of their investment and fundraising activity. You can view their strategies and funds, track management representatives and gain deep insights into their portfolio companies and M&A activity.
Getting started with Investors
Our Deal news keeps both our profiles and our users up to date on the latest M&A activity, ensuring you have the latest information to hand as it is happening. We cover a vast amount of global transactions for private equity investments and add-ons as well as covering corporate M&A and fundraising activity. Our deal news provides you with insights into past and live transactions, deal metrics and KPIs, linked to all the relevant company and investor profiles.
Our insights into advisor activity and roles on Deals help you to find the experts and consultants that can elevate your M&A activity. We identify and link Advisors to the deals, targets and investors that they support, providing you with insights into regional and sectoral expertise as well as opportunities to expand your network through the contact data stored in our platform.
Active filters
Set up your custom active filters to be proactively notified about new opportunities in your sweet spot. Define your target market once and let Gain.pro search for matching companies 24/7 and grow your list dynamically.
Bookmark Lists
Save your companies of interest to a list to bookmark and track them over time. Keep your shortlisted companies saved down in this static list and let Gain.pro update the underlying data (including financials, M&A activity, FTE growth and mgmt. changes) so you always stay up-to-date.
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