Get the full insight into Investors: track fundraising, strategies, capital and people
We provide you with complete insight and access into thousands of Investors and their portfolios at your fingertips.
By building both a bottom-up (from company to ownership) and top-down (investor funds to capital activity) view, we provide you with insight into the complete capital lifecycle.
This means you can filter the Investors on our platform based on:
- Their own characteristics (e.g. their own location or size)
- Fund activity (e.g. recent fundraising activity, live fund size and drypowder estimate)
- Deal activity (e.g. sectors and tags invested in, volume of deals); and
- Portfolio activity (e.g. portfolio volume, typical portCo size and sector)
From each of these views, you get complete connectivity to the rest of the platform, with detailed PortCo, Advisor or competitor Investor profiles available with a couple of clicks.
You can even go one step deeper and search for specific funds based on their size, vintage, strategy, and track performance and portfolio by strategy across Investors.
Our Investor summary pages provide you with a complete snapshot into the Investor, covering key strategies, fundraising, deal and headcount activity alongside insights into the make-up of the portfolio and typical ownership stakes.
All of this is supported by detailed tabs that provide you with the capability to:
- Dive deep into the portfolio with the same flexibility as a company search anywhere in our platform
- Track fundraising activity, strategy and performance over time and funds
- Carry out detailed, but fully flexible portfolio performance benchmarking
- Track M&A activity intelligently across platform deal entries and exits vs add-on activity
- Understand and contact key Investor representatives, as well as the Advisors who support them
Similar to our company profiles, you can export this information from both Investor long-list search results and for companies and M&A relating to individual Investors’ portfolios
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