Searching and filtering is the key to supercharging your discovery and deal flow through
We have tried to make it as natural as possible to discover companies, investors and advisors in using the filters and tag systems. Here are some tips to supercharge your discovery capabilities.
Search: The search field looks for a lot more than you think!
Search is the way to find profiles on when you know what you’re looking for, with our focus being on providing a clean and simple to understand interface.
First things first - did you know you can select the focus of your search by clicking on the drop-down next to the search field and tailoring if you are interested in “Companies”, “Legal Entities”, “Industries”, “Advisors” or “Investors”.
You can search in the field for the specific company name or a relevant “Alias” for companies that have more than one brand name associated with them. For example, searching for “Facebook” or “Whatsapp” will highlight the top result as “Meta”, pointing to the relevant parent company.
You can also search by URL to achieve a similar result - searching for will present the top result as “Unilever”, pointing to the relevant parent company linked to that domain.
Tags, tags, tags: Get to the niche you’re interested in
Tags are one of the most powerful and natural ways to find business niches, activities or sectors that you are interested in.
While other platforms rely on industrial classifications that are dependent on company self-reporting which can be inaccurate or unrepresentative of actual business activity, our tags apply multiple, common sense keywords and phrases for every profile on our platform.
Tags can refer to a number of different lenses for looking at a company - they can be based on business activity, product or service description or end-market served.
For example, the Deliveroo profile includes a range of broader and more specific tags referring to the type of services offered (takeaway, fresh food, groceries) as well as more specific tags to their business model (online ordering, online marketplace, food delivery).
Our tags become more powerful through our intelligent suggestions. As you begin typing a tag (such as “healthy food”) to INCLUDE, our platform will suggest linked tags that can provide incremental coverage and top up the companies in a list.
We can combine this further with additional tags that we can match on OR or AND logic. By default, tags use “OR” logic to maximise the number of relevant hits. However, if we want to focus in a niche, we can use AND logic to narrow our focus. For example, if we are interested in Healthy Food restaurants, we can use an AND match to narrow results to those that have that combination of tags, with a significant refining of our target list.
We can also achieve a similar result by combining this with tags to EXCLUDE. Simply toggle the drop down to start ruling out tags and refine your list. In this case, maybe we are interested in healthy food products, but not companies with a primary focus on wholesale, agriculture or services.
By adding these terms as tags to EXCLUDE, we end up with another target list that focuses on healthy food products that meet our refined criteria.
Search by description (Text Contains): This enables you to go beyond searching for names and keywords and into searching business descriptions for phrases and activities. This search understands your search intent to match on similar phrases, and not just exact keywords.
This search looks for close hits in:
- Long and short business description
- Tags
- Self-reported LinkedIn specialities (e.g. “About” page on LinkedIn
You can use BOOLEAN logic ("AND" / "&" / "+" to combine, "OR" / "|" to expand or "-" to exclude) to define complex queries and get more intelligent results. The logic is as follows:
- When you search without quotes, it will return very close hits to the phrase entered, in any word order
- When you search with quotes, it will return very close hits, with the same word order
Combining this with tags can act as a multiplier to further refine on how a business could be described.
Filters: Get from 0 to 100 in minutes, not days
Filters are the key to discovering companies when you don’t have a specific profile in mind, but are mapping out a space or building out a list of businesses.
Our filters are contextual across different categories (e.g. companies, advisors, investors) but will always seek to provide you with the means to slice and dice our platforms data model.
There are some common powerful filter options that can supercharge your search.
Widen the net with OR logic (OR toggles on filters): Any filter can be combined with any other OR statement to create a “two-way catch” that can help widen the net of companies picked up.
- For example, you may be interested in companies with EBITDA over 10m or Revenue over 50m
- By writing this filter as an OR statement you can pick up on all companies for which the condition is true, considerably widening the net
Intelligent GenAI Revenue estimates: When looking at companies on the smaller end of the spectrum, toggling on or off the GenAI revenue estimates can help you define if you are interested in our estimates of revenue or searching for companies with known financials only.
- This option is enabled by default to facilitate searching for companies that do not report financials which would otherwise not be surfaced based on Revenue searches
- Find Similar companies (Similar To): If you know a company that meets the criteria that you are interested in, use our Similar To search in order to leverage our large-language model and similarity ranking algorithm and be presented with a longlist of similar companies. This can be really powerful when combined with an OR filter on tags
- Select your periods (Toggle period): For filters based on a growth rate over time, you can select a time period to refine whether you are interested in longer- or shorter-term trends. For example for FTE growth rates, you can select anywhere between 3 months to 3 years at a time
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