Although we do our best to make our application as easy to use as possible, we understand that you also would like to download data to be able to do further offline analysis.
As a result, we offer a range of exports in the platform to help you with:
- Downloading readily formatted financials to perform additional analysis or feed the data into your model
- Download the original annual reports directly from
- Read through a company profile offline, or print it out
You can export lists of:
- Companies (including their financials and annual reports)
- Legal entities
- Investors
- Advisors
- Deals
- Conference exhibitors.
Additionally, you can also export pdf versions of company profiles and industry reports.
Download limits
Download limits refresh at the start of each month and apply to your whole team. You can get a quick snapshot of available downloads for your team by hovering over the “Export” button before downloading:
You can track the exact number of downloads available (by type) by navigating to your export limits in your account settings (by clicking on the toggle next to your user name in the top right):
Want to go even further and leverage our data in your internal systems like CRM or central data tools? Find out more on how our API access allows you to leverage full access to our intel in a comfortable way here
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